
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

JDZ (J) -3, 6, 10Q type voltage transformer
  • JDZ (J) -3, 6, 10Q type voltage transformer

JDZ (J) -3, 6, 10Q type voltage transformer

JDZ (J) voltage transformer is suitable for voltage and energy measurement and relay protection in power system of indoor devices with rated frequency of 50Hz and rated voltage of 10kV and below, automatic device and signal device. The voltage transformer of this type is semi pouring type, small volume and strong climate adaptability. The core of transformer is stacked into square by high-quality cold-rolled silicon steel sheet, and it is poured together with primary and secondary winding resistance concentric in the air, and is cast into epoxy resin.

Detailed introduction

JDZ (J) -3, 6, 10Q type voltage transformer

JDZ (J) -3, 6, 10Q type voltage transformer

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