
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

APF / SVG active filter

ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system
  • ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system

ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system

The centralized detection system realizes the functions of real-time detection and operation analysis of the governance situation of each governance point, centralized monitoring and management of the working situation of the equipment module, fault warning and alarm, etc. Graphic monitoring: the monitoring function of power grid side, load side and compensation electrical parameters, temperature parameters, state parameters and fault conditions of equipment can be realized by graphical interface. Alarm: to realize the control point electrical parameters and equipment temperature over limit warning, equipment fault alarm management, alarm mode includes: screen prompt, fault screen push, SMS, alarm record can be queried, fault can be tracked.

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ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system

ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system

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