
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

Lmk1 (BH) 1-0.66 current transformer
  • Lmk1 (BH) 1-0.66 current transformer

Lmk1 (BH) 1-0.66 current transformer

Lmk1 (BH) 1-0.66 type current transformer is mainly used for indoor AC circuit with rated voltage of 0.66 kV and below and rated frequency of 50 Hz as current, electric energy measurement or relay protection function. The product adopts cast insulation and is widely used in complete sets of cabinets. Its installation method can adopt bus fixed and bottom fixed installation method, which is suitable for installation in any direction, The primary conductor can be busbar or cable.

Detailed introduction

Lmk1 (BH) 1-0.66 current transformer

Lmk1 (BH) 1-0.66 current transformer

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