
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

VS1(ZN63)-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker
  • VS1(ZN63)-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VS1(ZN63)-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VS1(ZN63)-24 series indoor high-voltage vacuum circuit breaker is an indoor high-voltage switchgear with rated voltage of 24kv and three-phase AC 50Hz. It is suitable for the control and protection of power transmission and distribution systems such as power plants, substations, industrial and mining enterprises, etc. The switch is especially suitable for places where important loads are disconnected and frequently operated in high altitude areas.

Detailed introduction

VS1(ZN63)-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VS1(ZN63)-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

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