
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Capacitor switching switch

ZUFK-T Common compensation compound switching switch
  • ZUFK-T Common compensation compound switching switch

ZUFK-T Common compensation compound switching switch

The ZUFK-T composite switching switch adopts advanced single-chip detection technology to achieve precise control of the relay's rapid closing at the voltage zero point and rapid disconnection at the current zero point, thereby improving the switching speed and compensation effect, and improving the anti-harmonic ability . Due to the use of magnetic latching relays, the device only consumes electricity at the moment of switching action, and does not consume electricity at ordinary times, which truly achieves the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction. The input signal and the device have photoelectric isolation, strong anti-interference ability, safe and reliable operation.

Detailed introduction

ZUFK-T Common compensation compound switching switch

ZUFK-T Common compensation compound switching switch

Main purpose and scope of application

The ZUFK-T composite switching switch adopts advanced single-chip detection technology to achieve precise control of the rapid closing of the relay at the voltage zero point, and rapid disconnection at the current zero point, thereby improving the switching speed and compensation effect, as well as the anti-harmonic ability. . Due to the use of magnetic latching relays, the device only consumes electricity at the moment of switching action, and does not consume electricity at ordinary times, which truly achieves the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction. The input signal and the device have photoelectric isolation, strong anti-interference ability, safe and reliable operation.
This product complies with: National Standard GB/T29312-2012 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Working conditions

1. The altitude should not exceed 2500 meters.
2. The ambient temperature is -25℃~+50℃.
3. The air humidity does not exceed 50% at 40°C, and does not exceed 90% at 20°C.
4. The surrounding environment has no corrosive gas, no conductive dust, and no flammable and explosive media.
5. There is no severe vibration at the installation site.
6. The voltage distortion rate of the operating environment does not exceed 5%, otherwise the reactor must be connected in series.

Main technical parameters

1. Rated working voltage 400V/230V±20%
2. Voltage distortion rate ≤5%
3. Rated frequency 50Hz±5
4. Rated insulation voltage: 690V
5. Service life is greater than 300,000 times
6. Control capacity (three-phase ≤40kvar :△ type connection method) (single-phase ≤15kvar: Y type connection method)
7. Contact voltage drop ≤100mV
8. Circuit power consumption ≤3VA

9. Response time ≤ 100ms
10. Contact withstand voltage
≥ 1600V 11. Dimensions 90mm×165.5mm×77.5mm
12. Fixed size 77mm×142mm
13. Each turn-on and turn-off interval ≥ 1 second
14. On-resistance ≤ 0.003 ohm
15, minimum voltage signal DC9.5V/1.3mA; rated signal voltage DC12V/5mA
16, two consecutive turn-on intervals ≥100 seconds {Note: When the switch is turned on or off, it must be turned on after a delay of 100 Seconds (default)}

product model

Co-complement model Sub-compensation model
ZUFK-T-60-△(≤20kvar) ZUFK-T-60-Y(≤3*7kvar)
ZUFK-T-80-△(≤30kvar) ZUFK-T-80-Y(≤3*10kvar)
ZUFK-T-100-△(≤40kvar) ZUFK-T-100-Y(≤3*15kvar)

Model and meaning


Shape and installation dimensions

Wiring diagram

N: Transformer neutral line (zero line)
V: Common terminal of switch trigger signal (positive)
K1: Common complement type is three-phase trigger terminal; Separate complement type is L1 phase trigger terminal (active low)
K2: Split-complement L2 phase trigger terminal (active low)
K3: Split-complement L3 phase trigger terminal (active low)

Precautions for use

1. During transportation, the magnetic latching relay may be closed due to severe collision. If it is used directly, it may cause permanent damage to the device. The user should disconnect the capacitor bank before turning on and off the power supply ( Power on for 10 seconds), make the device in the disconnected state before the capacitor bank.
2. The input and output of the device must not be reversed, otherwise it may cause permanent damage.
3. If conditions permit, a reactor should be connected in series between the capacitor and the device.

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If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please free to email us ata65148373@163.comor use the following enquiry form,Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hous.thank you for your interest in our products.

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