
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue


XD1 Low voltage current limiting reactor
  • XD1 Low voltage current limiting reactor

XD1 Low voltage current limiting reactor

1. The altitude of the installation site does not exceed 2000m;
2. The ambient air temperature does not exceed +40°C, and its average temperature within 24 hours does not exceed +35°C;
3. When the highest temperature is +40°C, the relative humidity of the air does not exceed More than 50%; higher relative humidity is allowed at a lower temperature, and the highest relative humidity is not more than 80%;
4. Installed in non-explosive and flammable hazardous media, and there is not enough to corrode metals and damage insulation in the media Gas and dust (including conductive dust);

Detailed introduction

XD1 Low voltage current limiting reactor

XD1 Low voltage current limiting reactor

Main purpose and scope of application
XD1 series current-limiting reactors are dry-type reactors molded from unsaturated polyester resin. They are used in low-voltage electrical equipment to limit the closing inrush current of low-voltage capacitors and increase the breaking capacity of closing switches. .
This product complies with: National Standard GB10229.

Model and meaning

Working conditions
1. The altitude of the installation site does not exceed 2000m;
2. The ambient air temperature does not exceed +40℃, and its average temperature within 24 hours does not exceed +35℃;
3. When the highest temperature is +40℃, the relative air Humidity does not exceed 50%; higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperatures, and the highest relative humidity does not exceed 80%;
4. Installed in non-explosive and flammable hazardous media, and there is not enough corrosion and damage to metals in the media Insulating gas and dust (including conductive dust);
5. There is no severe vibration and bumps in the installation site, and the installation inclination is not more than 5°;
6. The installation site is free from direct sunlight, rain and snow, and no serious molds.

Main technical parameters
1. Power frequency test voltage: AC 50Hz, voltage 3kV for 1min without breakdown and flashover
2. Temperature rise: shell ≤65K, coil ≤65K

Main specifications

Product number Rated voltage (kV) Rated capacity (kvar) Rated current (A) Limiting coefficient (n)
XD1-10 0.4 10 19 50
XD1-12 0.4 12 22.5 50
XD1-14 0.4 14 26.3 50
XD1-15 0.4 15 28 50
XD1-16 0.4 16 30 50
XD1-18 0.4 18 34 50
XD1-20 0.4 20 38 50
XD1-24 0.4 twenty four 45 50
XD1-25 0.4 25 47 50
XD1-30 0.4 30 56 50
XD1-35 0.4 35 66 50
XD1-40 0.4 40 75 50
XD1-45 0.4 45 85 50
XD1-50 0.4 50 94 50
XD1-60 0.4 60 113 50

Shape and installation dimensions

Unit is mm

model A B C R h a Terminals
10-20 type 49 67 104 45 90 32 M6
24-60 type 63 81 130 45 110 47 M8

Installation, use and maintenance
1. After unpacking the product, check whether the number, model, and specification of the reactor are consistent, and if there is any discrepancy, replace it in time;
2. When installing, carefully remove the dust and oil on the wiring terminal and installation plane of the reactor;
3 , Each three-phase capacitor should be equipped with a reactor for each phase. When installing three-phase in parallel, pay attention to the direction of the incoming and outgoing wires of the reactor wiring. The middle phase must be opposite to the wiring on both sides. If the phase terminals x1 on both sides are the incoming line side, the middle phase terminal x2 should be the incoming line side, and the center distance between the reactors should not be less than 30 mm (see Figure 2).

Ordering instructions
Please indicate the product model, rated capacitor voltage, rated capacity kvar and quantity of the capacitor when ordering.


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