
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

Resonant capacitor
  • Resonant capacitor

Resonant capacitor

1. Altitude: <2000m
2. Ambient temperature: 5℃-45℃
3. Ambient humidity: ≦85%
4. Capacity deviation: ±5%

Detailed introduction

Resonant capacitor

Resonant capacitor

Main purpose and scope of application
Resonant capacitors are used for medium and low frequency heating, smelting and compensation of the AC side of the resonant induction power supply.
This product complies with: National Standard GB/T3984

Model and meaning

Electric principle diagram of resonant induction heating

Product features

1. Large capacity, high specificity
2. Fully water-cooled, semi-water-cooled
3. Environmental protection medium
4. Pressure protection

Working conditions, technical requirements
1. Altitude: <2000m
2. Ambient temperature: 5℃-45℃
3. Ambient humidity: ≦85%
4. Capacity deviation: ±5%
5. Rated voltage: 1-3.4kv
6. Protection Grade: IP00, indoor installation
7. Cooling water: flow ≧6L/min, outlet water temperature <45℃
8. Standard: IEC60110; GB/T3984

Main specifications

Shape and installation dimensions

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