
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

Three phase self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

Three phase self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

◆Small size, light weight, easy to install
◆Low loss, low heat, low temperature rise
◆Excellent self-healing performance
◆Dry structure does not leak oil, safe and environmentally friendly

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CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

1. Use a one-time stretched aluminum shell package;
2. The impregnant is pollution-free;
3. Built-in overvoltage device and discharge resistance;
4. Capacitor components are made of high-quality high-temperature metalized polypropylene film;

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Single phase self healing low voltage shunt capacitor

Single phase self healing low voltage shunt capacitor

Rated voltage: 230V, 400V, 450V, 480V, 525V, 690V, 750V, 1200V, other voltages can be specially ordered.
Rated capacity: 0.4-0.69kv and 1-60kvar, the capacity of other voltage levels will be determined separately.
Rated frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz0
capacity tolerance: -5%-+10%.
Loss angle tangent: tanδ ≤ 0.1% at 20°C.

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