
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor
  • CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

1. Use a one-time stretched aluminum shell package;
2. The impregnant is pollution-free;
3. Built-in overvoltage device and discharge resistance;
4. Capacitor components are made of high-quality high-temperature metalized polypropylene film;

Detailed introduction

CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

CMKP cylindrical self healing low voltage parallel capacitor

Main purpose and scope of application
CMKP cylindrical self-healing low-voltage shunt capacitor is used for power factor correction of low-voltage power system equipment at a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 days. It can reduce reactive power loss and improve voltage quality. It is an energy-saving product promoted by the country.
This product complies with: National Standard GB/T12747.1&2-2015 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Model and meaning

Working conditions
1. Altitude: Core 2000m;
2. Environmental temperature category: -25/C (minimum temperature -25°C, maximum temperature 50°C, 24-hour average temperature not exceeding 40°C, annual average temperature not exceeding 30°C) . The capacitor should work under good ventilation conditions.
3. Environmental humidity: ≦90%
4. After the capacitor is removed from the power supply, it must be ensured that the capacitor voltage drops to 10% of the rated voltage before it can be put into operation again. Usually this time is 180 seconds. For the controller, the controller that adopts zero-potential switching may not be subject to this limitation.

Structural features
1. Adopt a one-time stretched aluminum shell package;
2. Impregnant is pollution-free;
3. Built-in over-voltage device and discharge resistance;
4. Capacitor components use high-quality high-temperature metalized polypropylene film;
5. Components use large diameter The core rod greatly improves the voltage resistance capability;
6. The bottom of the capacitor is an M12 (or M16) mounting screw, which does not need to be grounded;

Main technical parameters
1. Rated voltage level (kV): 0.23, 0.25, 0.4, 0.45, 0.48, 0.525;
2. Rated capacity (kvar): 5-50;
3. Capacity deviation (μF): -5-10% ;
4. loss tangent (tan [delta]): 0.1% ≦ (Un50Hz 20 is deg.] C);
5. The withstand voltage between: 2.l5Un 5s, no permanent breakdown or flashover;
6. pole housing pressure: 2Un + 2kV (Lower than 3kV, press 3kV) 1Os, no breakdown or flashover;
7. Maximum allowable voltage: 1.lUn, no more than 8h per 24h; 1.l5Un, no more than 0.5h per 24h; 1.2Un, No more than 300s; when 1.3Un, no more than 60s; 8.Maximum
allowable current: The capacitor can run for a long time under 1.3In; considering the influence of overvoltage, positive capacitance deviation and harmonics, the transition current does not exceed 1.43In;
9. Discharge device: After the capacitor is cut off for 180s, the voltage drops below 50V;

Main specifications Main specifications of
single-phase capacitors

Main specifications of split-phase capacitor

Shape and installation dimensions

Schematic diagram of pressure cut-off safety device

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