
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Product Catalogue

ZYQ2E Mini dual power automatic transfer switch

ZYQ2E Mini dual power automatic transfer switch

1. The installation altitude should not exceed 2000 meters.
2. The upper limit of ambient temperature is not higher than +40℃, the lower limit is not lower than -5℃, and the 24-hour average value does not exceed +35℃.
3. The relative humidity of the atmosphere does not exceed 50% when the ambient air temperature is +40℃. At a lower temperature, there can be a higher humidity. It should be considered that temperature changes will cause condensation on the product surface.
4. There is no explosive dangerous medium, and the medium is not enough to corrode and destroy the gas and dust.
5. There is no significant shaking and shock vibration.
6. Pollution degree: Level 3

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ZYQ2E Dual power automatic transfer switch

ZYQ2E Dual power automatic transfer switch

Control device: built-in controller
Product structure: small size, simple structure, ATS integration
features: fast switching speed, low failure rate, convenient maintenance, reliable performance Wiring mode: front-board wiring
conversion mode: grid to grid, grid to generator, Self-input and self-recovery product shell frame: 63
Product current: 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 63 Product category: Circuit breaker

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ZYGL Load disconnector 1000A ~ 1600A

ZYGL Load disconnector 1000A ~ 1600A

ZYGLZ conversion load isolation switch. It is composed of two ZYGL load isolation switches stacked up and down or left and right. It is suitable for the switching of two-way power supply or the conversion and safety isolation of two load equipment.
The switch complies with IEC60947-3 and GB14048.3 standards.
The switch is beautiful in appearance, novel and concise, small in size and complete in functions. It is the best choice for similar products.

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ZYGL Load disconnector 125A ~ 630A

ZYGL Load disconnector 125A ~ 630A

The switch adopts a modular design, which is suitable for connecting and breaking circuits or electrical isolation. Above 1000A is only used for electrical isolation.
The switch adopts a spring energy storage, instantaneous release accelerated closing mechanism and a contact structure that connects and disconnects in parallel with double breakpoints at the same time, which greatly improves the electrical and mechanical properties of the product. The switch adopts glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester molding compound and manual operation handle, which has high dielectric performance, protection ability and reliable operation safety.
The switch has 3 poles and 4 poles (3 poles + can be switched on and off the neutral pole).

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ZYCPS-100 Control and protection switchgear

ZYCPS-100 Control and protection switchgear

1. With long-distance automatic control and local direct manual control functions:
2. With panel indication and electromechanical signal alarm function:
3. With coordinated time-current protection (with long delay, short circuit short delay, and instantaneous Three-stage protection characteristics);
4. With phase failure, overcurrent, locked rotor, short circuit, undercurrent, overvoltage, leakage, three-phase unbalance, start delay (avoid start-up high current, which is distinguished from overcurrent action time ) And many other functions:

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ZYCPS-45 Control and protection switchgear

ZYCPS-45 Control and protection switchgear

Control and Protective Switching Device stands for control and protection switching equipment. It is a new product in low-voltage electrical appliances, referred to as CPS.
The ZY series of control and protection switch appliances produced by the company are based on the requirements of smart grids. They integrate the main functions of separate components such as circuit breakers, contactors, overload relays, and isolation switches in a modular single structure form. Able to integrate various signals. Realize the self-coordination of control and protection features within the product.

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Overview of harmonic filter

Overview of harmonic filter

Harmonic source
1. Iron core equipment with ferromagnetic saturation characteristics, such as transformers;
2. Equipment with strong nonlinearity and arc phenomenon, such as gas discharge lamps, AC arc welding machines and steel-making electric arc furnaces, etc.;
3. Power supply equipment based on power electronic components such as various power converter equipment (rectifiers, inverters and frequency converters), phase-controlled speed and voltage regulation devices, large-capacity power thyristor controllable switch equipment, etc.

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High voltage filter set

High voltage filter set

1. Altitude: ≤1000m;
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C~+45°C;
3. Relative humidity: ≤90% (at 20°C);
4. The installation site should be free of corrosive and insulating harmful gases and If there is steam, there should be no explosive or conductive dust, strong vibration and shock, and no serious mold.

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Low voltage tuned filter

Low voltage tuned filter

Harmonic filter is a combination of capacitors and filter reactors in series. That is, capacitive reactive power is generated when the fundamental frequency is 50Hz to meet the requirements of improving power factor, and the inductance of the filter reactor is selected at the harmonic frequency of the filter to cause series resonance, so that the capacitor bank is in resonance. When the wave frequency is 250Hz, 350Hz, 550Hz, a very low impedance is formed, which can absorb most of the harmonic current and improve the voltage distortion rate of the system.

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Low voltage detuning filter

Low voltage detuning filter

1. Applicable grid voltage: AC1000V and below, three-phase or single-phase;
2. Compensation capacity: 30-600kvar;
3. Compensation control sampling: reactive power;
4. Suitable compensation action mode: cyclic switching or optimal switching ;
5, series reactors ≥6%, 5 or more suppressed harmonic enlarged string ≥12% inhibition of the reactor three times or more harmonic amplification.

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TBBWD Low voltage reactive power dynamic compensation device

TBBWD Low voltage reactive power dynamic compensation device

1. Altitude: ≤2000m;
2. Ambient temperature: -20℃~+45℃;
3. Relative humidity: ≤95% (at 20℃);
4. Installation environment: no flammable, explosive, serious pollution, Locations with chemical corrosion and severe vibration;
5. Installation conditions: The harmonic content in the power grid meets the requirements of the 0.38kV clause in GB/14549.

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TBBW Intelligent compensation device for low voltage reactive power

TBBW Intelligent compensation device for low voltage reactive power

1. Rated voltage: 0.38-0.75kV;
2. Rated frequency: 50Hz;
3. Rated capacity: 1-600kvar;
4. Applicable voltage range: (0.85-1.1) times the rated voltage;
5. Maximum allowable current: 1.3 times the rated voltage Current

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