
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
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Product Catalogue

HD11F/HS11F series protective open knife switch

HD11F/HS11F series protective open knife switch

Hd11f and hs11f series single throw and double throw protective knife switches are new products developed by our company on the basis of HD11 and HS11. They are ideal substitutes for HD11, hd11f and HS11, which greatly improve personal safety protection performance and prevent electric shock. This series of products are mainly used in low-voltage distribution equipment for infrequently connecting, cutting and isolating power supply manually.

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HR3 fuse type isolating switch

HR3 fuse type isolating switch

Hr3 fuse type disconnector is suitable for short circuit protection and overload protection of cables and conductors in distribution system with AC 50 Hz, 380 V and rated current up to 1000 a. Under normal conditions, it can be used to manually turn on and turn off normal load current and overload current infrequently. Under short circuit conditions, it can be turned off by fuse.

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HR5 fuse type isolating switch

HR5 fuse type isolating switch

Hr5 series fuse type disconnector is mainly used in distribution circuit and motor circuit with rated voltage of 380V and 660V (45 ~ 62Hz) and heating current up to 630A. It is used as power switch, disconnector, emergency switch and circuit protection, but it is generally not used to directly open and close a single motor.

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HR6 fuse type isolating switch

HR6 fuse type isolating switch

Hr6 series fuse type disconnector is mainly used in distribution circuit and motor circuit with rated voltage of 380V and 660V (45 ~ 62Hz) and heating current up to 630A. It is used as power switch, disconnector, emergency switch and circuit protection, but it is generally not used to directly open and close a single motor.

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HR17 fuse type isolating switch

HR17 fuse type isolating switch

Hr17 series fuse disconnector is a new product developed by our company. The rated insulation voltage is 800V, the rated working voltage is 690V, the rated working current is 630A, and the rated frequency is 50 Hz. It is suitable for power distribution circuits and motor circuits with high short-circuit current. It is used as power switch, isolating switch and emergency switch, and for circuit protection, but it is generally not used to directly open and close a single motor.

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HH15 isolator fuse group

HH15 isolator fuse group

Hh15 series disconnector fuse group, QA and QP series disconnectors, switches are mainly used in power distribution circuit and motor circuit with high short-circuit current, as the main switch or master switch for manual infrequent operation. It is especially suitable for installation in advanced drawer type low-voltage complete sets.

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ZYAPF active power filter

ZYAPF active power filter

The active power filter detects the load current in real time through the external current transformer CT, extracts the harmonic component of the load current through the internal DSP calculation, and then sends the PWM signal to the internal IGBT to control the inverter to generate a current with the same size and opposite direction as the load harmonic, and injects it into the power grid to compensate the harmonic current, so as to realize the filtering function.

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ZYSVG Static var generator

ZYSVG Static var generator

Zysvg static var generator detects the load current in real time through the external current transformer CT, and analyzes the reactive power content of the load current through the internal DSP calculation, and then controls the PWM signal generator to send the control signal to the internal IGBT according to the set value, so that the inverter can generate the required reactive power compensation current, and finally realizes the purpose of dynamic reactive power compensation.

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ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system

ZYICMS Integrated control and detection system

The centralized detection system realizes the functions of real-time detection and operation analysis of the governance situation of each governance point, centralized monitoring and management of the working situation of the equipment module, fault warning and alarm, etc. Graphic monitoring: the monitoring function of power grid side, load side and compensation electrical parameters, temperature parameters, state parameters and fault conditions of equipment can be realized by graphical interface. Alarm: to realize the control point electrical parameters and equipment temperature over limit warning, equipment fault alarm management, alarm mode includes: screen prompt, fault screen push, SMS, alarm record can be queried, fault can be tracked.

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SVG high voltage static var generator

SVG high voltage static var generator

Svg series high-voltage dynamic reactive power compensation device is a reactive power compensation system with IGBT as the core, which can provide capacitive or inductive reactive power quickly and continuously, realize constant reactive power, constant voltage and constant power factor control at assessment point, and ensure stable, efficient and excellent operation of power system. In the distribution network, the installation of SVG products with small and medium capacity in some special loads (such as electric arc furnace) can significantly improve the power quality at the connection point between load and public power grid, such as improving power factor, balancing three-phase voltage, restraining voltage flicker and voltage fluctuation, and controlling harmonic pollution.

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ZYDVR real time control dynamic voltage regulator

ZYDVR real time control dynamic voltage regulator

Zydvr real-time control dynamic voltage regulator uses super capacitor and lithium electronic battery as energy storage elements. It adopts advanced electronic energy transformation technology and digital control technology to provide back type short-term energy storage solution, effectively manages voltage sag, voltage rise, short-time interruption and other problems, and has the characteristics of strong stability, good reliability and high efficiency.

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