
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Harmonic filter

Low voltage tuned filter
  • Low voltage tuned filter

Low voltage tuned filter

Harmonic filter is a combination of capacitors and filter reactors in series. That is, capacitive reactive power is generated when the fundamental frequency is 50Hz to meet the requirements of improving power factor, and the inductance of the filter reactor is selected at the harmonic frequency of the filter to cause series resonance, so that the capacitor bank is in resonance. When the wave frequency is 250Hz, 350Hz, 550Hz, a very low impedance is formed, which can absorb most of the harmonic current and improve the voltage distortion rate of the system.

Detailed introduction

Low voltage tuned filter

Low voltage tuned filter

Main purpose and scope of application
When the harmonic current exceeds the standard allowable value, or when electrical equipment is interfered, necessary measures should be taken, such as increasing the voltage level of the harmonic source equipment, centralized power supply to the harmonic source equipment, and changing the power supply time Etc. However, the above-mentioned measures cannot be guaranteed to be completely effective, and at the same time corresponding transformation costs must be paid.
The low-voltage grid filter compensation device researched and developed by our company has four specifications of 400V, 525V, 660V and 750V, which can effectively filter out the 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th and other orders of harmonics. It is suitable for all industrial and For civilian users, it has the characteristics of reasonable design, good filtering effect, complete protection, stable and reliable work, etc.
This product complies with: National Standard GB/T15576-2008 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Model and meaning

Working conditions
1. Altitude: ≤2000m;
2. Ambient temperature: -25~C~+45°C;
3. Relative humidity: ≤90% (at 20°C);
4. The installation site should be free of corrosion and insulation damage There should be no explosive or conductive dust, strong vibration and shock, and no serious molds in the presence of harmful gases and steam.

Principle analysis
Harmonic filter is a combination of capacitor series filter reactor. That is, when the fundamental frequency is 50Hz, capacitive reactive power is generated to meet the requirements of improving the power factor, and the inductance of the filter reactor is selected at the harmonic frequency of the filter to cause series resonance, so that the capacitor bank is in resonance. When the wave frequency is 250Hz, 350Hz, 550Hz, a very low impedance is formed, which can absorb most of the harmonic current and improve the voltage distortion rate of the system.

Main technical parameters
1. Rated voltage: 400V, 525V, 660V, 750V;
2. Rated frequency: 50Hz;
3. Number of circuits per cabinet: 3 (commonly used), 4, 5, 6;
4. Filter harmonics: 3 Times, 5 times, 7 times, 11 times, 13 times, etc.;
5. Non-contact switch, composite switch and special contactor for switching capacitors are available for three switching switches;
6. Fundamental reactive power compensation: power factor is available Reach 0.92~0.999;
7. Complete protection configuration and reliable operation: It has protection against atmospheric and operating over-voltage, fuse protection, over-current protection, over-voltage protection, under-voltage protection, etc.;
8. Harmonic combination rate reaches Provide qualified power supply below GB/T14549-93 national standard;
9. Installation location: indoor;

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If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please free to email us ata65148373@163.comor use the following enquiry form,Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hous.thank you for your interest in our products.

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