
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

ZYP1-15/25/50 surge protector (Level 1)
  • ZYP1-15/25/50 surge protector (Level 1)

ZYP1-15/25/50 surge protector (Level 1)

Zyp1-15 / 25 / 50 series voltage limiting surge protector (belonging to class I lightning protector, 10 / 350us waveform) is designed according to IEC and GB standards. It is applied to the first level surge protection of equipment system in high lightning risk area. It can prevent all kinds of surge current including direct lightning. It can be applied to single-phase and three-phase power supply lines through different number of combinations. It has modular design and standard 35mm rail installation mode

Detailed introduction

ZYP1-15/25/50 surge protector (Level 1)

ZYP1-15/25/50 surge protector (Level 1)

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