
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

ZYP2-100/120/150 surge protector (level two)
  • ZYP2-100/120/150 surge protector (level two)

ZYP2-100/120/150 surge protector (level two)

Zyp2-100 / 120 / 150 series SPD is suitable for overvoltage secondary surge protection of three-phase power supply in it, TT, TN-C, TN-S power supply and distribution systems. The product adopts an integrated design, and its protection modes are l-pe / N-PE and L-N / N-PE, with the characteristics of large flow capacity and low residual voltage; The protector body has the function of thermal disconnection warning, and can add remote communication interface according to the user's requirements to protect indirect lightning, direct lightning impact or other transient overvoltage surge.

Detailed introduction

ZYP2-100/120/150 surge protector (level two)

ZYP2-100/120/150 surge protector (level two)

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