
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

JN15-12/31.5 Indoor high voltage grounding switch
  • JN15-12/31.5 Indoor high voltage grounding switch

JN15-12/31.5 Indoor high voltage grounding switch

JN15-12/31.5 indoor high-voltage grounding switch is a product that has reached the domestic advanced level. It is suitable for use in the power system of AC 50Hz of 12kv and below. It can be used with various types of high-voltage switchgear. It can also be used as a grounding protection for high-voltage electrical equipment during maintenance. This type of switch can be used in conjunction with a live display device.

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JN15-12/31.5 Indoor high voltage grounding switch

JN15-12/31.5 Indoor high voltage grounding switch

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