
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

FZ(R)N21-40.5 Indoor high voltage vacuum load switch
  • FZ(R)N21-40.5 Indoor high voltage vacuum load switch

FZ(R)N21-40.5 Indoor high voltage vacuum load switch

This type of high-voltage vacuum load switch and combined electrical appliances are suitable for three-phase AC 40.5kv, 50Hz power systems, or used in conjunction with sets of power distribution equipment, ring network switch cabinets, combined power stations, etc., and are widely used in wind power generation , Urban network construction and transformation projects, industrial and mining enterprises, high-rise buildings and public facilities, etc., can be used as ring network power supply units or terminal equipment, playing the role of electric energy distribution, control and protection.

Detailed introduction

FZ(R)N21-40.5 Indoor high voltage vacuum load switch

FZ(R)N21-40.5 Indoor high voltage vacuum load switch

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