
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

FZ(R)N21-12 Indoor high voltage AC vacuum load switch
  • FZ(R)N21-12 Indoor high voltage AC vacuum load switch

FZ(R)N21-12 Indoor high voltage AC vacuum load switch

FZ(R)N21-12 indoor high-pressure compressed air load switch is suitable for three-phase AC 50Hz, rated voltage 12kv power supply network, as the purpose of breaking load current. It is especially suitable for places with no oil, no overhaul and frequent operation requirements. The FZRN21-12D indoor high-pressure pneumatic load switch-fuse combination electrical appliance is suitable for three-phase AC 50Hz, rated voltage 12kv power supply network, and places where oil-free, no maintenance and frequent operation requirements are required. The load switch and the combined electrical appliance have obvious isolation fractures, and can be equipped with a grounding knife and an electric spring mechanism with closing capability, which can realize remote control.

Detailed introduction

FZ(R)N21-12 Indoor high voltage AC vacuum load switch

FZ(R)N21-12 Indoor high voltage AC vacuum load switch

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