
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

FK(R)N12-12 Indoor high voltage compressed air load switch
  • FK(R)N12-12 Indoor high voltage compressed air load switch

FK(R)N12-12 Indoor high voltage compressed air load switch

FKN12-12/FKRN12-12 indoor high-voltage compressed air load switch is suitable for three-phase high-voltage switchgear of 12kv and below, as the control and protection of power equipment such as transformers, cables, and overhead lines; especially suitable for urban networks, The terminal substation and van-type substation of the rural power grid. It is also suitable for the control and protection of ring network and dual-radiation power supply units.

Detailed introduction

FK(R)N12-12 Indoor high voltage compressed air load switch

FK(R)N12-12 Indoor high voltage compressed air load switch

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