
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

ZN28(A)-12 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker
  • ZN28(A)-12 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

ZN28(A)-12 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

The ZN28(A)-12 indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker is a three-phase AC 50Hz, rated voltage 12kv indoor installation, mainly installed in handcarts and fixed switch cabinets, for industrial and mining enterprise power plants and substations for electrical equipment protection It is used for control and control, and is suitable for places with frequent operations.

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ZN28(A)-12 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

ZN28(A)-12 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

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