
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

VS1(ZN63)-12 Handcart type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker
  • VS1(ZN63)-12 Handcart type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VS1(ZN63)-12 Handcart type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VS1(ZN63)-12 series indoor handcart type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker is a three-phase AC 50Hz, rated voltage of 12kv indoor switchgear, which can be used for the control and protection of industrial and mining enterprises, power plants, substations, and electrical facilities. , And suitable for frequently operated places. The operating mechanism is integrated with the circuit breaker body, and the design can be used as a fixed installation unit, or it can be equipped with a special propulsion mechanism to form a handcart unit.

Detailed introduction

VS1(ZN63)-12 Handcart type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VS1(ZN63)-12 Handcart type high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

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