
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High voltage switchgear accessories

VN1-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker
  • VN1-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VN1-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VN1-24 series solid-sealed high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers are suitable for three-phase AC power systems with a rated voltage of 24kv and a frequency of 50Hz. They are widely used in power plants, substations, petrochemicals, metallurgy, manufacturing, airports and communities, etc., as electrical facilities It is used for protection and control, especially suitable for places where frequent operation under rated current or multiple interruption of short-circuit current. It is completely interchangeable with VD4 and VEP circuit breakers, and can be installed in mobile or fixed air-insulated switch cabinets.

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VN1-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

VN1-24 Indoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

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