
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

APF / SVG active filter

ZYAPF Complete set of active power filter
  • ZYAPF Complete set of active power filter

ZYAPF Complete set of active power filter

The main circuit of the complete set of active power filter device is an IGBT power converter, which adopts the detection technology of instantaneous reactive power theory to automatically track the harmonic changes of the power grid, and has a high degree of controllability and rapid response. It overcomes the shortcomings of poor filtering effect of traditional passive filtering devices, prone to resonance, and can only compensate for fixed sub-harmonics, and can play a good filtering and compensation effect on various fast transient impact loads.

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ZYAPF Complete set of active power filter

ZYAPF Complete set of active power filter

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