
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Circuit breaker

ZUM1L-800/3N Residual current operated circuit breaker
  • ZUM1L-800/3N Residual current operated circuit breaker

ZUM1L-800/3N Residual current operated circuit breaker

Rated frequency: 50Hz
Rated residual operating current: 50/75/100/150/200/300/500/800/1000mA,
rated residual non-operating current 0.5I△n: Abrupt leakage action value: ≤50mA Single product only uses four For each gear, please refer to the value on the nameplate.
Rated breaking time: <0.2s/<0.5s can be set to automatically reclose once from 20s to 60s

Detailed introduction

ZUM1L-800/3N Residual current operated circuit breaker

ZUM1L-800/3N Residual current operated circuit breaker

Main purpose and scope of application
ZUM1L series residual current operated circuit breaker (referred to as leakage circuit breaker) is a multifunctional integrated leakage circuit breaker integrating leakage relay and molded case circuit breaker. Suitable for low-voltage power grids with three-phase four-wire neutral point directly grounded (TT grounding system), used to provide indirect contact protection against personal electric shock hazards, and also for ground faults, overcurrents, short circuits, and overvoltages of lines or electrical equipment , Undervoltage, lack of phase, and neutral line break on the power supply side for protection.
This product complies with: National Standard GB14048.2.

Model and meaning

Main technical parameters

1. Rated voltage: 400V three-phase four-wire
2. Rated insulation voltage: 800V
3. Rated current: 100A shell frame 40A, 63A, 80A, 100A optional
250A shell frame 100A, 160A, 200A, 250A optional
400A shell frame 250A, 315A, 350A, 400A optional
800A shell frame 500A, 630A, 700A, 800A optional
4. Rated frequency: 50Hz
5. Rated residual operating current: 50/75/100/150/200/300/500/800/1000mA,
6. Rated residual non-operation current 0.5I△n: Abrupt leakage action value: ≤50mA Only four gears are selected for a single product, please refer to the value on the nameplate.
7. Rated breaking time: <0.2s/<0.5s can be set to automatically overlap once 20s~60s
8. Delayed reclosing time: 70% rated voltage
9. Undervoltage action value: 120% rated voltage (can be closed)
10. Overvoltage action value: Action when any phase of ABC three-phase is missing (can be closed);
11. Phase loss protection: The functional module power supply is directly taken from the three-phase power supply of the autonomous loop, which completely avoids the
problem of phase loss and residual current protection not working.
12. Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity and rated residual short-circuit making (breaking) capacity: See table 1
13. Protection characteristics of overcurrent release: See table 2
14. Classification of action characteristics: AC type
15. Product use category: Class A (delay/instant two-stage protection) 
16. Reference temperature: 40℃
17. The product conforms to: GB14048.2 National Standard

Table 1 Rated short-circuit breaking capacity and rated residual making and breaking capacity

Frame rating rated current A Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity lcu (effective value kA) Rated short-circuit breaking capacity lcu (effective value kA) Rated residual making and breaking capacity l△m (effective value kA)
100 35 twenty two 8.75
250 50 35 12.5
400 50 35 12.5
630 65 42 16.25
800 65 42 16.25

Table 2 Protection characteristics of overcurrent release

Ambient air temperature -5℃~+40℃ Test current Trip time status
1.05In No tripping within 2h Cold start
1.30In Trip within 2h Hot start
Any suitable time 10Imax <0.2s Cold start

Note: ln overcurrent setting value Imax: frame grade current

Shape and installation dimensions

specification Dimensions (mm) Installation size (mm) Mounting hole diameter (mm)
A B E F G C D  
100A 231 121 45 62 170 60 211 4
250A 240 140 45 84 177 70 202 4
400A 336 197 82 99 246 96 272 6
630A 355 228 76 106 261 116 285 6
800A 355 228 76 106 261 116 285 6

 Technical Parameters

Ordering instructions When placing an
order, please specify the
product model, rated current, rated residual current operating value, function code, and order quantity.
If you need to order ZUM1L, the rated current is 250A, whether the current gear is adjustable, the residual current action value is 75/150/300/500mA, 100 units.

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If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please free to email us ata65148373@163.comor use the following enquiry form,Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hous.thank you for your interest in our products.

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