
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Reactive power compensation controller

JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring
  • JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring

JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring

1. Altitude: no higher than 2500 meters
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C~+50°C;
3. Air humidity: no more than 50% at 40°C and no more than 90% at 20°C;
4. Surrounding environment: No corrosive gas, no conductive dust, no flammable and explosive media;
5. No severe vibration at the installation site;

Detailed introduction

JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring

JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring

Main purpose and scope of application The
JKW-5 series power distribution monitoring controller must be installed and operated by an electrician with certain experience. Before use, it must be noted that the wiring diagram and terminal numbers behind the controller cannot be confused. This product complies with: industry standard JB/T9663-2013 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Working conditions
1. Altitude: no higher than 2500 meters
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C~+50°C;
3. Air humidity: no more than 50% at 40°C and no more than 90% at 20°C;
4. Surroundings Environment: no corrosive gas, no conductive dust, no flammable and explosive media;
5. No severe vibration at the installation site;

Functional characteristics
1. JKW-5 series power distribution monitoring and control instrument is mainly used for the automatic control of low-voltage power distribution system capacitance and reactive power compensation devices, so that the power factor of the grid is kept in the best state;
2. Large-screen LCD display (including backlight, operation The backlight of any key is bright, and the backlight of any key is automatically turned off if no key is operated within 1 minute), the man-machine interface is friendly, and the text prompt operation is intuitive and simple. Real-time calculation and display of three-phase power factor, three-phase active power, three-phase reactive power, three-phase voltage, three-phase current, zero sequence current, three-phase voltage distortion rate, three-phase current distortion rate, 3-25 voltage and current harmonics Wave content rate, real-time clock, active power, reactive power, etc.;
3. JKW-5 series power distribution monitoring and control instrument can mass storage 24 o’clock data and daily statistical data for at least 200 days. Request to extend to 800 days. Data includes three-phase voltage, three-phase current, three-phase power factor, three-phase active power, three-phase reactive power, three-phase voltage distortion rate, three-phase current distortion rate, active power, and reactive power at the hour of the day Electricity; daily statistics of the maximum value and time of occurrence of three-phase voltage, and the minimum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase voltage. The maximum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase current, the minimum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase current, the minimum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase power factor, the maximum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase active power, the minimum value of daily three-phase active power, and Time of occurrence, maximum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase reactive power, minimum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase reactive power, maximum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase voltage distortion rate, minimum value and time of occurrence of daily three-phase voltage distortion rate , Daily three-phase current distortion rate maximum value and time of occurrence, daily three-phase current distortion rate minimum value and time of occurrence, daily three-phase voltage high time, daily three-phase voltage low time, daily three-phase voltage qualification rate, daily three-phase voltage Phase voltage distortion rate exceeding standard time, daily three-phase current distortion rate exceeding standard time, daily three-wire power factor below 0.95 time, load imbalance rate exceeding standard time, 1-16 circuit capacitor running time, 1-16 circuit capacitor switching times, Time of power outage, time of incoming call, number of outages, number of incoming calls, maximum current value of 15 minutes per day and time of occurrence;
4. All-digital preset various control parameter functions, configurable parameter password (password), ID number (for communication), PT transformation ratio, CT transformation ratio, overvoltage threshold, undervoltage threshold, target power factor, switching Delay, voltage and current distortion rate threshold, clock, compensation scheme, capacitor capacity, capacitor discharge time, etc.
5. Communication function: with RS232 and RS485 hardware protocol communication ports, using 101 or MODEBUS-RTU communication protocol, on-site communication or remote communication can be used, real-time, timing call various power parameters, modification of control parameters, remote switching of capacitors , It can be connected with short-distance (30-50 meters) wireless communication module or handheld computer for data on-site meter reading.
6. With the function of manually switching capacitors, the capacitors can be manually switched on and off without voltage or current signals.
7. Comprehensive protection function, JKW-5 series power distribution monitoring and compensating instrument has protection functions such as overvoltage, phase loss, undervoltage, harmonic overvalue, etc., and the alarm relay can be allowed or prohibited to be closed through the control parameters.

Main technical parameters

1. Basic parameters:    
Power supply voltage: AC220V±20%; Power frequency: 45-65Hz; Signal frequency: 45-65Hz; 
 Signal voltage: AC50-260V; Signal current: AC0-5A; Power consumption of the whole machine: <10VA;
2. Measurement accuracy:    
Voltage: ±0.5%; Current: ±0.5%; Power factor: ±1.0%;
Active power: ±1.0%; Reactive power: ±1.0%; Active power: ±1.0%;
Reactive power: ±1.0%; Grid frequency: ±0.01Hz; System clock: ±4ppm, the annual error is less than 2 minutes;

Upper computer analysis system software
1. Operating environment (operating system): Windws98/2000/XP
2. Communication function: The communication function of the analysis system software can remotely adjust the control parameters and clock of the controller, and can monitor various parameters of the power grid in real time And the switching state of capacitors, remote control switching capacitors, and real-time display of all power parameters including harmonics. You can also download historical data, etc.
3. Analysis function: The analysis system software stores a large amount of downloaded historical data and sorts them in an orderly manner according to the device number. Any grid parameter can be displayed or printed in the form of a table curve or bar graph according to the time interval specified by the user.
4. Simple operation: The analysis system software has a menu and a shortcut toolbar, which are intuitive and easy to understand. Most of the operations can be completed by the mouse, and a detailed user manual is attached. Note: If communication accessories are required, please specify when ordering. Communication accessories are not available if they are not declared.

Main specifications and models

Product number Hole Size Sampling voltage Signal frequency Control output monitor Total Weight Replace the old model
JKW-5FA-16D 139×139 220VX3 50/60Hz 16 channels DC Dot matrix liquid crystal 0.95kg JKW18D-16
JKW-5FA-16J 139×139 220VX3 50/60Hz 16 contacts Dot matrix liquid crystal 0.95kg JKW18J-16
JKW-5SA-16D 139×139 Line voltage 380V 50/60Hz 16 channels DC Dot matrix liquid crystal 0.95kg -
JKW-5SA-16J 139×139 Line voltage 380V 50/60Hz 16 contacts Dot matrix liquid crystal 0.95kg -

Wiring schematic diagram
JKW-5FA-16J / JKW-5FA-16D

JKW-5SA-16J / JKW-5SA-16D

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If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please free to email us ata65148373@163.comor use the following enquiry form,Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hous.thank you for your interest in our products.

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