
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Reactive power compensation controller

JKW-3FA Hybrid compensation intelligent reactive power compensation controller
  • JKW-3FA Hybrid compensation intelligent reactive power compensation controller

JKW-3FA Hybrid compensation intelligent reactive power compensation controller

1. Power supply voltage: the rated value is AC 220V, and the fluctuation cannot exceed ±20%;
2. Ambient temperature: -25℃~55℃;
3. Relative humidity: the maximum relative humidity is 90% (at 20℃);
4. Altitude Height: no more than 2000m;
5. Environmental conditions: no explosive and flammable dangerous media, no gases that corrode metals and conductive dust that damage electrical insulation;

Detailed introduction

JKW-3FA Hybrid compensation intelligent reactive power compensation controller

JKW-3FA Hybrid compensation intelligent reactive power compensation controller

Main purpose and scope of application
JKW-3F series intelligent reactive power compensation controller (hereinafter referred to as the controller), adopts advanced high-speed microprocessor control technology, real-time sampling of three-phase voltage and three-phase current signals, and the compensation capacitor of the capacitor cabinet is adopted The control scheme of single-phase independent compensation plus three-phase simultaneous compensation is very suitable for the automatic control of reactive power compensation capacitor cabinets in low-voltage power systems with unbalanced three-phase loads. This product complies with: industry standard JB/T9663-2013 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Model and meaning

Working conditions
1. Power supply voltage: the rated value is AC 220V, and the fluctuation cannot exceed ±20%;
2. Ambient temperature: -25℃~55℃;
3. Relative humidity: the maximum relative humidity is 90% (at 20℃);
4 , Altitude: no more than 2000m;
5. Environmental conditions: no explosive and flammable dangerous media, no gases that corrode metals and conductive dust that damage electrical insulation;

Main technical parameters
1. Rated current: AC 0~5A;
2. Rated voltage: AC 220V±20%;
3. Contact capacity: dynamic DC12V/50mA (static AC220V/7A) per branch;
4. Current input impedance: ≤0.02Ω;
5. Shell protection grade: IP30;
6. Frequency: 50Hz;
7. Sensitivity: 20mA;
8. Insulation voltage: 690V;

1. Real-time display of three-phase network conditions: including system voltage, system current, active power, reactive power, power factor, various control parameters, etc.
2. Automatically identify the polarity of the sampling signal, and there is no concern about the polarity of the wiring.
3. With setting parameter memory function, data will not be lost after power failure.
4. It has protection functions such as over-voltage and under-voltage, phase loss, etc.
5. With dual input threshold: it is required that the power factor is lower than the input threshold setting value and the reactive power is higher than the minimum set of capacitors before it can be input, effectively preventing switching oscillation.
6. It has a super-strong automatic optimization and switching function.
7. There is a settable re-investment lock time to ensure that the capacitor has enough discharge time before being turned on.
8. Various parameters are all digitally adjustable, which can be widely applied to different power grid conditions.
9. Strong anti-interference ability, can directly resist interference pulses from peripheral common mode amplitude 2000V.
10. The compensation scheme can be set as full single-phase compensation, single-phase compensation plus three-phase compensation, and full three-phase compensation.
11. There are static and dynamic output modes.

Factory setting values of various parameters

Code meaning Setting value Adjustable range
P-00 Current polarity recognition method AUTO AUTO automatic/HAND manual
P-01 Power factor input threshold 0.95 Perceptual 0.800~1.000
P-02 Power factor cut off threshold 1 Perceptual 0.900~Capacitive -.900
P-03 Input delay 10s 0.1~100s
P-04 Cut-off delay 10s 0.1~100s
P-05 Overvoltage threshold 245V 220V~300V
P-06 Capacitor discharge delay 0 0~240s
P-07 Sampling current transformer ratio 500 5~9000
P-08 Compensation capacitor solution 3F07(2F06) 0F16-5F01(0F12~4F00)
C-01~C-12 Capacitance capacity of each branch controlled 5 0~200kvar

Main specifications and models

Product number Hole Size Sampling voltage Signal frequency Control output monitor Total Weight Replace the old model
JKW-3FC-12D 113×113 Three-phase four-wire 50/60Hz 12 DC Luminous Digital 0.9kg JKWF12-DCS
JKW-3FC-12J 113×113 Three-phase four-wire 50/60Hz 12-way contacts Luminous Digital 0.9kg JKWF12-JCS
JKW-3FA-16D 139×139 Three-phase four-wire 50/60Hz 16 channels DC Luminous Digital 0.95kg JKWF18-DCS-16
JKW-3FA-16J 139×139 Three-phase four-wire 50/60Hz 16 contacts Luminous Digital 0.95kg JKWF18-JCS-16
JKW-3FA-19D 139×139 Three-phase four-wire 50/60Hz 19 DC Luminous Digital 0.95kg -

Wiring schematic diagram

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