
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

Protective absorption capacitor
  • Protective absorption capacitor

Protective absorption capacitor

1. Altitude environment: ≦2000m
2. Ambient temperature: -25-40°C
3. Ambient humidity: ≦85%
4. Protection level: IP00 for indoor installation

Detailed introduction

Protective absorption capacitor

Protective absorption capacitor

Main purpose and scope of application
When the thyristor is used as a switch power supply, it forms a resistance-capacitance absorption protection circuit in series with a resistor, which prevents voltage mutations when the thyristor is switched off, and plays a role in protecting the thyristor.
This product complies with: National Standard GB/T17702-2013 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Model and meaning

Working conditions, technical requirements
1. Altitude environment: ≦2000m
2. Ambient temperature: -25-40°C
3. Ambient humidity: ≦85%
4. Protection level: IP00 indoor installation
5. Execution standard: 1EC61071

Main specifications

Shape and installation dimensions

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