
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

DZMJ DC filter capacitor
  • DZMJ DC filter capacitor

DZMJ DC filter capacitor

1. Large capacity: 300-5000μF
2. Large current: the maximum current reaches 2500A
3. High voltage: 800-1800VDC
4. Cooling method: full water cooling or semi-water cooling

Detailed introduction

DZMJ DC filter capacitor

DZMJ DC filter capacitor

Main purpose and scope of application
DZMJ DC filter capacitors are used for filtering and voltage support on the DC side of the power supply, and are widely used in medium and low frequency induction heating, variable frequency speed control and other AC, DC, and AC power supplies.
This product complies with: National Standard GB/T17702-2013 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Model and meaning

Product features
1. Large capacity: 300-5000μF
2. Large current: the maximum current reaches 2500A
3. High voltage: 800-1800VDC
4. Cooling method: full water cooling or semi-water cooling
5. Impregnant is pollution-free
6. With pressure protection relay

Working conditions, column requirements
1. Altitude: ≦2000m
2. Environmental humidity: ≦85%
3. Temperature range: 5-45°C
4. Capacitance deviation: ±10%
5. Protection level: IP00 for indoor installation
6. Cooling water requirements: ≧6L/min, outlet water temperature <45℃
7. Executive standard: IEC61071

Main specifications

Shape and installation dimensions

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If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please free to email us ata65148373@163.comor use the following enquiry form,Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hous.thank you for your interest in our products.

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