
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage capacitor

AC filter capacitor
  • AC filter capacitor

AC filter capacitor

1. Rated voltage level (kV): 0.33, 0.45, 0.48, 0.525, 0.82
2. Rated capacity (kvar): 15-100
3. Capacitance deviation (μF): 0一+3%
4. Loss angle tangent (tanδ) :≦0.1 %(Un5OHz2O℃)

Detailed introduction

AC filter capacitor

AC filter capacitor

Main purpose and scope of application
In recent years, the rapid development of science and technology, a large number of rectification, frequency conversion and large-scale power electronic equipment are used in the power system. The subsequent harmonics are increasingly polluting the power grid, making ordinary capacitors easy to damage. In order to cope with the increasing severity In the power grid environment, our company has developed an AC filter capacitor. The AC filter capacitor is a capacitor with a large anti-current capability. It resonates in series with the reactor and absorbs high-order harmonics through a low-impedance channel to filter out harmonics. Purpose, the product also serves as reactive power compensation. This product conforms to the national standard GB! Ding 12747.1 &2-201 5 (our company is the main drafting unit of this standard).

Model and meaning

Working conditions
1. Altitude: gross 2O00m
2. Ambient temperature category: -25/C (minimum temperature -25°C, maximum temperature 50°C, 24-hour average temperature not exceeding 40°C, annual average temperature not exceeding 30°C). The capacitor should work under good ventilation conditions. 3. Ambient humidity: ≦90%
after the capacitor is removed from the power supply, it must be ensured that the capacitor voltage drops to 10% of the rated voltage before it can be put into operation again. Normally this time is 180 seconds, so choose a controller with a delayed switching on function. . For controllers that use zero-potential switching, this limitation is not required.

Structural features
1. The steel shell is welded by ammonia arc welding of high-quality cold-rolled steel sheet, and the tinplate shell is printed iron anti-corrosion treatment. The two sides are crimped and sealed;
2. The impregnant is pollution-free
3. Built-in discharge resistance
4. The capacitor element is made of high-quality high-temperature metallized polypropylene Thin film
5. The current density of the element is designed to be "/3 of that of ordinary capacitors, which greatly improves the anti-current capability

Main technical parameters
1. Rated voltage level (kV): 0.33, 0.45, 0.48, 0.525, 0.82
2. Rated capacity (kvar): 15-100
3. Capacitance deviation (μF): 0一+3%
4. Loss angle tangent (Tanδ):≦0.1 %(Un5OHz2O℃)
5. Inter-electrode withstand voltage: 2.l5Un6Os, no permanent breakdown or flashover
6. Polar case withstand voltage: 2Un+2kV (lower than 3kV, press 3kV) 10s without permanent
Resistance tobreakdown or flashover7. Maximum allowable voltage: ≦1.75Un, long-term operation
8. Maximum allowable current: Capacitors can operate for a long time under 2.35In; allow 4h operation at 3.2In
9. Discharge device: Capacitor cuts off the power for 180s After that, the voltage drops below 50V

Main specifications

Shape and installation dimensions

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If you have any enquiry about quotation or cooperation,please free to email us ata65148373@163.comor use the following enquiry form,Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hous.thank you for your interest in our products.

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