
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Overview of harmonic filter

Overview of harmonic filter

Harmonic source
1. Iron core equipment with ferromagnetic saturation characteristics, such as transformers;
2. Equipment with strong nonlinearity and arc phenomenon, such as gas discharge lamps, AC arc welding machines and steel-making electric arc furnaces, etc.;
3. Power supply equipment based on power electronic components such as various power converter equipment (rectifiers, inverters and frequency converters), phase-controlled speed and voltage regulation devices, large-capacity power thyristor controllable switch equipment, etc.

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High voltage filter set

High voltage filter set

1. Altitude: ≤1000m;
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C~+45°C;
3. Relative humidity: ≤90% (at 20°C);
4. The installation site should be free of corrosive and insulating harmful gases and If there is steam, there should be no explosive or conductive dust, strong vibration and shock, and no serious mold.

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Low voltage tuned filter

Low voltage tuned filter

Harmonic filter is a combination of capacitors and filter reactors in series. That is, capacitive reactive power is generated when the fundamental frequency is 50Hz to meet the requirements of improving power factor, and the inductance of the filter reactor is selected at the harmonic frequency of the filter to cause series resonance, so that the capacitor bank is in resonance. When the wave frequency is 250Hz, 350Hz, 550Hz, a very low impedance is formed, which can absorb most of the harmonic current and improve the voltage distortion rate of the system.

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Low voltage detuning filter

Low voltage detuning filter

1. Applicable grid voltage: AC1000V and below, three-phase or single-phase;
2. Compensation capacity: 30-600kvar;
3. Compensation control sampling: reactive power;
4. Suitable compensation action mode: cyclic switching or optimal switching ;
5, series reactors ≥6%, 5 or more suppressed harmonic enlarged string ≥12% inhibition of the reactor three times or more harmonic amplification.

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