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China Zhiyue

Capacitor switching switch

ZUKCS-3f Capacitive contactless switch

ZUKCS-3f Capacitive contactless switch

Operating conditions 3.1 Ambient air temperature: -25℃~+50℃, and the average temperature within 24h is not higher than +35℃;
3.2 When the temperature is +25℃, the relative humidity can reach 100% in a short time;
3.3 The altitude does not exceed 2000m ;

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ZUKCS-1A Capacitive contactless switch

ZUKCS-1A Capacitive contactless switch

Main technical parameters
Rated voltage: 400V (230V)
Rated frequency: 50Hz
Control capacity: three-phase capacitor 1Kvar~80Kvar, single-phase capacitor 1Kvar~20Kvar

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