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China Zhiyue

Capacitor switching switch

CJ19-115 150 170 Switching capacitor contactor

CJ19-115 150 170 Switching capacitor contactor

When the control circuit is energized, the contactor is closed, and the upper main contact connected in the current-limiting resistance line is connected before the lower main contact, so as to suppress the inrush current. After the completion of the instant disconnection reset, the lower main contact enters Normal work, but when the circuit is disconnected, it is completed by the lower main contact, and each performs its own duties. Because the current-limiting resistor is connected instantaneously, it will not cause long-term power waste and burn resistance.

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CJ19-63 95 Switching capacitor contactor

CJ19-63 95 Switching capacitor contactor

1. The altitude of the installation site should not exceed 2000m;
2. The upper limit of the ambient air temperature should not exceed +40℃, and the lower limit should not be lower than -5℃;
3. The relative humidity of the installation site should not exceed +40℃ No more than 50%, higher relative humidity can occur at lower temperatures, the monthly average minimum temperature of the wettest month does not exceed +20℃, and the average maximum relative humidity of the month does not exceed 90%, due to temperature changes occurring in the product Measures must be taken for the condensation on the
surface ; 4. Installation conditions: The installation tilt to the vertical surface should not exceed ±5 °;

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CJ19-25 32 43 Switching capacitor contactor

CJ19-25 32 43 Switching capacitor contactor

1. The contactor is equipped with a current-limiting resistor, which can suppress the closing inrush current within the allowable range;
2. The contactor is a direct-acting double-breakpoint structure, with flexible action mechanism, convenient manual inspection and compact structure;
3. Contactor terminal It is covered by an insulating cover, which is safe and reliable;
4. The contactor can be fastened with screws, or it can be buckled on a 35mm or 75mm standard mounting rail;

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