
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

Reactive power compensation controller

JKW18G High voltage reactive power compensation controller

JKW18G High voltage reactive power compensation controller

1. Power supply voltage: the rated value is AC 220V, and the fluctuation cannot exceed ±20%;
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C~55°C;
3. Relative humidity: the maximum relative humidity is 90% (at 20°C);
4. Altitude Height: no more than 2000m;
5. Environmental conditions: no explosive and flammable dangerous media, no gases that corrode metals and conductive dust that damage electrical insulation;
6. Installation location: no severe vibration;

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JKW-17G High voltage compensation controller

JKW-17G High voltage compensation controller

JKW-17G high-voltage no-power automatic compensation controller is suitable for automatic adjustment of capacitor compensation devices in high-voltage distribution systems, so that the power factor can reach the user's predetermined state, improve the utilization efficiency of power transformers, reduce line losses, and improve the voltage quality of power supply.

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