
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

ZUIC-7/9 Intelligent power capacitor

ZUIC-7/9 Intelligent power capacitor

1. Control accuracy: 100%;
2. Allowable switching times: ≥1 million times;
3. Capacitor capacity operating time attenuation rate: ≤1% year;
4. Capacitor capacity switching attenuation rate: ≤0.1%/10,000 times ;

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Intelligent filtering reactive power compensation module

Intelligent filtering reactive power compensation module

Protection error
1. Voltage: ≤0.5%;
2. Current: ≤1.0%:
3. Temperature: ±1℃ (capacitor), ±30℃ (reactor);
4. Time: ±0.Ols;

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JKW-8 Intelligent capacitor switching state indicator

JKW-8 Intelligent capacitor switching state indicator

1. The altitude is not higher than 2500 meters;
2. The ambient temperature is -25℃-50℃;
3. The air humidity does not exceed 50% at 40℃, and does not exceed 90% at 20℃;
4. There is no corrosive gas in the surrounding environment , No conductive dust, no flammable and explosive media exist;

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JKW-8 Intelligent capacitance monitoring controller

JKW-8 Intelligent capacitance monitoring controller

1. Altitude: no higher than 2500 meters;
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C-50°C;
3. Air humidity: no more than 50% at 40°C, no more than 90% at 20°C;
4. Surrounding environment: No corrosive gas, no conductive dust, no flammable and explosive media;

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JKW-9CV Intelligent capacitance state display

JKW-9CV Intelligent capacitance state display

Ambient temperature: -45-55℃;
working voltage: AC38OV±20%;
voltage measurement accuracy: 0.5 grade;
power factor: ±0.01

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JKW-9FC/9SC Intelligent capacitor power distribution monitoring compensation controller

JKW-9FC/9SC Intelligent capacitor power distribution monitoring compensation controller

1. The altitude is not higher than 2000 meters.
2. The ambient temperature is -20°C to 45°C.
3. The air humidity does not exceed 50% at 40°C, and does not exceed 90% at 20°C.
4. The surrounding environment has no corrosive gas, no conductive dust, and no flammable and explosive media.

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