
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

JKW-13DC-12D Intelligent reactive power compensation controller

JKW-13DC-12D Intelligent reactive power compensation controller

(1) The altitude is not higher than 2500 meters.
(2) Ambient temperature: -20°C to +45°C.
(3) The air humidity does not exceed 50% at 40°C, and does not exceed 90% at 20°C.
(4) There is no corrosive gas, no conductive dust, and no flammable and explosive media in the surrounding environment.
(5) There is no severe vibration at the installation site.

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JKW-13DC-12J Intelligent reactive power compensation controller

JKW-13DC-12J Intelligent reactive power compensation controller

(1) Calculate the switching capacitor capacity based on the fundamental reactive power, which can avoid various forms of switching oscillations, and can correctly display the power factor of the grid in the presence of harmonics.
(2) The power factor measurement accuracy is high, and the display range is wide.
(3) Up to 32 loop capacitor groups can be controlled.
(4) Shortcut function keyboard, large-screen LCD display, Chinese operation, friendly man-machine interface and convenient operation.

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JKW-15FA-18J Reactive power split phase automatic compensation controller

JKW-15FA-18J Reactive power split phase automatic compensation controller

(1) Calculate the switching capacitor capacity based on the fundamental reactive power, which can avoid various forms of switching oscillations, and can correctly display the power factor of the grid in the presence of harmonics.
(2) The power factor measurement accuracy is high, and the display range is wide.
(3) There are 12 kinds of capacitor capacity coding methods for users to choose.
(4) Reprogrammable compensation scheme and output circuit.

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JKW-15FA-18D Reactive power split phase automatic compensation controller

JKW-15FA-18D Reactive power split phase automatic compensation controller

Power supply voltage: 220V (1-2 feet) or 380V (1-3 feet), with two power input ports of different voltage levels, 380V power supply is recommended if possible.
Signal voltage: AC50V-275V (phase voltage).
Signal current: AC0-5.5A.
Working frequency: 45-65Hz. Undervoltage threshold: 176V.

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JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring

JKW-5 Intelligent reactive power compensation controller based on distribution monitoring

1. Altitude: no higher than 2500 meters
2. Ambient temperature: -25°C~+50°C;
3. Air humidity: no more than 50% at 40°C and no more than 90% at 20°C;
4. Surrounding environment: No corrosive gas, no conductive dust, no flammable and explosive media;
5. No severe vibration at the installation site;

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CMP Microprocessor based capacitor protector

CMP Microprocessor based capacitor protector

1. The CMP capacitor microcomputer protector is mainly used for the intelligent protection and control of the capacitor of the reactive power compensation device, so that the capacitor can operate safely and eliminate the harm caused by the abnormal switching of the capacitor.
2. All Chinese large-screen LCD display (including backlight, the backlight of any key is bright, and the backlight of any key is not operated within 2 minutes), the man-machine interface is friendly, and the Chinese prompt operation is intuitive and simple. Real-time calculation and display of capacitor three-phase current, current distortion rate, system voltage, system frequency voltage distortion rate, opening voltage, real-time clock, etc.

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