
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue

High and low voltage reactive power compensation device

Complete set of high voltage shunt capacitor

Complete set of high voltage shunt capacitor

1. Altitude: ≤1000m;
2. Ambient temperature: -25~+55℃;
3. Relative humidity: ≤85%;
4. No explosive dangerous medium is allowed in the operating place, and the surrounding medium should not be corrosive And destroy the insulating gas and conductive medium.

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TBBZ High voltage reactive power automatic compensation device

TBBZ High voltage reactive power automatic compensation device

1. Rated voltage: 6-10kV;
2. Rated frequency: 50Hz;
3. Rated capacity: 100-10000kvar;
4. Number of groups: 1-5 groups;
5. Reactor parameter selection: suppression of closing inrush current, reactance rate 0.1-1%; Suppress 5th or more harmonics, reactance rate is 6%, Suppress 3rd or more harmonics, reactance rate is 12%;

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TBBWZ Automatic reactive power compensation device for high voltage line

TBBWZ Automatic reactive power compensation device for high voltage line

1. Capacitors have built-in fuses and discharge resistors, which will self-discharge after power failure to ensure safe operation;
2. Capacitors can be built-in or external, and the capacity is best to be configured according to 1, 2 to achieve three-level switching;
3. According to voltage , Power factor, reactive current and other methods are automatically switched on and off;
4. With overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, and phase loss protection functions;

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TBBX High voltage reactive power local compensation device

TBBX High voltage reactive power local compensation device

1. Indoor or outdoor use;
2. Altitude not exceeding 1000m;
3. Ambient air temperature -5°C~+40°C;
4. Relative humidity: daily average not greater than 95%, monthly average not greater than 90%;
5. There is no serious mold, no corrosive gas, no serious dust, no conductive dust, and no serious vibration at the installation site.

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