
Shanghai Zhiyue Electric Co., Ltd    021-53080810   a65148373@163.com
China Zhiyue


CKSC Dry type iron core series reactor

CKSC Dry type iron core series reactor

1. The altitude of the installation site: ≤2000m;
2. Ambient temperature: -25℃~+45℃, relative humidity ≤90%;
3. No harmful gas around, no flammable and explosive materials;
4. The surrounding environment should have Good ventilation conditions.

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Dry type air core reactor

Dry type air core reactor

1. The unique oil-free structure of dry-type air-core reactors eliminates the oil leakage and flammability of oil-immersed reactors, ensuring safe operation; no iron core, no ferromagnetic saturation, and good linearity of inductance;
2. The computer is used to optimize the design of dry-type air-core reactors, which can quickly and accurately design the most ideal structural parameters (the number of turns, temperature, loss, electrical power, structure size, etc.) of each layer of coil according to the different use requirements of users;
3 , Dry-type air-core reactor is a cylindrical structure with multi-layer windings connected in parallel. The polyester guide strips between each package form a ventilation duct, which is convenient for air convection to form natural cooling, good heat dissipation, and low hot spot temperature;

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